Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Environmental Civil Engineering-Water and Wastewater Engineering, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


The main purpose of this paper is to provide a risk management model in the current processes of procurement and supply of equipment of project-based organizations in order to improve procurement management and effective performance of the mission. Procurement and supply is an important process for life survives of an organization and project, and it is a vital guarantee for achieving the goals and, in the first place, their success. In the procurement process, it is responsible for identifying, analyzing and providing appropriate solutions for responding, controlling and monitoring risks in the economic and production cycles. The lack of uncertainty and increase in influential factors in the purchasing and procurement process as well as complexity of purchasing systems have made it difficult for managers to achieve their goals. Depending on the type of activity and level of sensitivity of their assets, each organization and project deals with a different level of risks and hazards for which the risk management process should be implemented while challenges affecting the process of supplying required items should be prevented.

Graphical Abstract

Providing Risk Management Strategies in Procurement and Supply Processes


Main Subjects

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